As a leader, it should be at the top of your list to strive for continuous personal improvement. Why? Because leading a team of people is a dynamic and ever-evolving challenge.

As humans, we aren’t perfect – far from it. Leading a team of imperfect humans is even more difficult. In order to rise to the occasion time after time and stay at the top of your game, you must strive to stay curious and learn from each experience you have, because your growth is directly correlated to your company’s growth.

While sometimes opportunities for personal growth will appear on their own, sometimes that growth requires you to go a little out of your way. One of the best ways to ensure personal growth is to work on your desire to constantly learn as much as possible. Get in the habit of asking questions and challenge your perceptions by listening to the viewpoints of others.

What Can You Do Now?

1) Start questioning yourself – in a healthy way. Instead of spiraling into self-doubt, consider the motivations behind your actions, and try to dig deeper behind the reasons that you choose to do what you do. In other words, spend some time in self-reflection, just not in a negative way.

2) Work on your communication skills. As a leader, you’ll have to be a fantastic communicator. You need to be able to identify the personality and leadership style of colleagues and clients so that you can effectively communicate and avoid conflict. You should also be striving to make your ideas and thoughts clear to those around you because they’re worth sharing!

3) Give a little love. As a leader, it’s easy to feel as though you need to put on a tough persona, but one of the best ways to keep your team motivated is to try a little tenderness once in a while. By this, I mean being open with your team about how much you appreciate the work they do for you. Take the time to genuinely get to know what makes each team member tick, identify strengths as you see them, and make sure everyone knows that (s)he is an integral part of the team. Are you a team of one? Show yourself some love. Take a DISC Personality Profile and Leadership Style Assessment, get to know your own strengths and areas for growth, create an action plan for continued growth, and find an accountability partner to hold you to it.

4) Create an environment of lifelong learning.  As Rick Warren says, “The moment you stop learning, you stop leading.” Model a growth mindset in which you regularly push yourself outside of your comfort zone. 

Ready to Grow? Don’t wait!

What area of personal growth is most difficult for you?

Is there something that you think you need to work on? If you are a lifelong learner that strives to become a more effective leader, Sierra Learnership Collaborative is there for you! Check out the topics below for the next 12 months of Webinar Wednesdays. Join us for $25/session or become a Webinar Warrior and attend all 12 for $199 (a savings of $101!!).

  • March 31: Discover Your Why
  • April 28: Goal Setting 101
  • May 26: Eliminating Procrastination
  • June 30: Overcoming Perfectionism
  • July 28: Being Mindful in the Midst of Chaos
  • August 25: The Art of Work-Life Balance
  • September 29: Identifying Your Leader Language
  • October 27: Building a High-Performance Culture
  • November 17: Becoming A Master of Networking
  • December 15: Delegating with Ease
  • January 26, 2022: Core Values Reimagined
  • February 23, 2022: How to Become an Effective Listener

All Zoomed out? Join us for in-person mastermind groups, DISC Personality Profile and Leadership Style Workshops, and a variety of team-building experiences. Are you looking for an organization-wide event? I’ll come to you!

About the Author

After 10 years in public education, I reached a fork in the road where I could continue to expand my influence by moving into a role in administrative leadership or use the expertise I had acquired to create a unique business that aligns with my passion, helping others achieve their best. Sierra Learnership Collaborative brings to life my belief that effective leadership skills and lifelong learning are critical to one’s success. Growth, leading, and learning are collaborative processes which is where I come in. 

So, what does Sierra Learnership Collaborative do? 

I provide exceptional leadership speaking, training, and coaching services to youth AND adult learners who strive to experience lifelong personal and professional growth. Today’s youth must be given the opportunity to develop leadership skills early in life and given the tools necessary to make personal growth a priority. Also, today’s leaders must see the need for continued personal growth and professional learning to reach their full potential. So, whether you are a parent looking for an innovative approach to your child’s development in leadership, teamwork, communication, or organization OR a business leader looking for the tools you need to achieve your and/or your team’s definition of success, I will create a plan to meet your specific needs.  Whether working with you individually, as a small group, or as an organization, together we will collaborate to achieve your goals.

As the Vice President of the neXco National Winchester Core Chapter…

…and a member of the Accelerated Experience Committee, I genuinely enjoy the opportunity to build strong relationships with like-minded individuals and strive to add value to all I meet. I encourage you to reach out for a 1:1 or schedule a free 30-minute consultation to learn more about the variety of ways in which I can support you on your journey.